Corporate Opportunities

We invite companies to come in for professional development events throughout the year to help students develop career skills and learn industry knowledge, as well as providing them information about career opportunities. 

If you would like to see what SWE has been up to lately, feel free to view our newsletters on "About Us"!

SHE-SWE-MEET Engineering & Computer Science Career Fair

Every year we partner up with other Rutgers engineering minority societies (the Minority Engineering Educational Task and the Society of Hispanic Engineers) to host the annual SHE-SWE-MEET Engineering and Computer Science Career Fair, the largest student-run career fair on the engineering campus. This event connects Rutgers engineering students to top employers to further their career efforts. With over 50 companies and hundreds of students attending the career fair every year, Rutgers SWE has been recognized several times in our region and university for coordinating an event that aligns best with SWE's strategic and professional goals. If you are interested in bringing your company to the SHE-SWE-MEET Engineering and Computer Science Career Fair, please contact our External Vice President at for more information!

Industry Mentorship Program

The Industry Mentorship Program is a full year program that aims to prepare its participants for the corporate world. The program pairs SWE members with industry professionals based on the future goals, current engineering track and the general interests of the participant. Interested in having your company participate? Contact our Industry Mentorship Chair at ru.swe.imp@gmail.comfor information, questions, or concerns!


The Society of Women Engineers (SWE) is the driving force that establishes engineering as a highly desirable career for women through an exciting array of training and development programs, networking opportunities, scholarships, outreach and advocacy activities, and much more. 

We invite you to be a part of the Rutgers University SWE Section and help support our organization and members in our mission of empowering professional engineers to succeed and advance in engineering as well as guiding girls towards careers in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM)! 

We have a number of different options for sponsorship to choose from that can fit any budget. The current sponsor levels are Platinum, Gold, Silver, and Bronze. 

If you are interested in sponsoring Rutgers SWE, please feel free to view our 2022-23 Sponsorship Package, and contact our External Vice President at if you have any questions!

Our Sponsors